'User Dialog' will help you create new levels of insight, intimacy, and appreciation for those in control of your online success - your users.
User Dialog demonstrates how:
- To learn - in depth, in detail - the lives and needs of those you serve.
- Face to face with users is the right way to create the best user experience.
- To conduct a dynamic and creative process of building real-world understanding.
- To find what it takes to truly do the right thing for your customers.
This direct, personal, and dynamic process of user interviews, with or without a script, and with a fluid, responsive, creative flow, will uncover critical user experience insights that can be gained no other way. Your ability to sit with a user that you’ve carefully selected from the billions of people in the world and facilitate a productive interaction is truly an indispensable capability and it's one that’s hard to quantify. It’s very subjective.
Starting a dynamic, insightful conversation with a willing set of your users and learning how to real-time drill incisively to their core concerns, to notice and unpack their most subtle behavioral cues that they may not even notice, to adapt the flow of the interaction to their style and actions, and to focus intently on the most relevant questions and issues is a key skill and a key business and artistic competency.