Bob guides professionals to master innovative, lucrative approaches to human engagement and influence.
“Through my speaker series, webinars, in-depth professional development, and consulting, businesses master The Single Human Dynamic – ignored by most – that drives the global economy, creates every business outcome, and enables a new age of civilization. That single dynamic is the experience we show our users, and how their choices in that experience drive our success.”
- Bob’s almost 40-year career in computer science, user research, and marketing goes way back to writing machine-language code for mass spectrometers at the University of Nebraska.
- He led the teams at HP in the early days of the Web that created the first-ever online experiences for e-commerce, social media, cloud computing, and e-learning – before those terms were even invented.
- He founded an online youth development startup and invented an interactive e-learning experience that has reached over 35,000 teens in all 50 states.
- Bob regularly conducts user research and consults with Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, FedEx, and many others.
- He’s currently a principal at AnswerLab, the premiere user experience research agency on the planet.
- He speaks all over the world on human-computer interaction, user experience, entrepreneurship, and professional development.
Contact Me about speaking.
- Download my Speaking Profile.
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Tech Secrets Summit 2021
Podcast Guest Appearances
Unlocking Your World of Creativity, by Mark Stinson
New ways to win with digital and virtual – and the key is ExperienceB2B Revenue Executive Experience Podcast, by Chad Sanderson
Why Experience is the Key to Unlocking DigitalChange Creator Podcast, by Adam Force
Mastering User Experience to Grow Your BizReal Marketing Real Fast Podcast, by Doug Morneau
The customer journey map, why they do or don’t buyResilience Unravelled Podcast, by Dr. Russell Thackery
Virtual solutions for a post COVID-19 worldThe Dave Pamah Show, by Dave Pamah
Surviving and Thriving in a Vastly Altered World
The Inbound Success Podcast, by Kathleen Booth
Redefining user experience in the age of COVID-19
The Advancing Humanity Podcast, by Charle Peck
Improving Your “Contactless” Experience – How will we adapt to an online future post COVID-19?The E-commerce Marketing Podcast, by Arlen Robinson
Where an e-commerce business should begin when it comes to analyzing the experience that prospects and customers have on their websites
The MarketMe Podcast, by Mike Moll
Mike sits down with Bob to talk about marketing trends and how marketing has changed in 2020.
The Customer Experience Podcast, by Ethan Beute and BombBomb
Within the last 20 years, user experience has completely recontextualized customer experience because so many of the touchpoints humans have with businesses are, well, digital.The APQC Podcast: Tactics and Best Practices for Improving Internal UX, by American Productivity & Quality Center
Mercy Harper talks with Bob Berry, principal at AnswerLab and founder of, about tactics and best practices for improving internal user experiences.The APQC Podcast: Considerations for Improving Internal UX, by American Productivity & Quality Center
Mercy Harper talks with Bob Berry, principal at AnswerLab and founder of, about high-level strategies for improving internal user experiences.The Ad Victoriam Salesforce Simplified Podcast: Top Brands Use These Components to Create an Effective Customer Experience, by Mike Boyle
Our topic is “Creating Exceptional Online Customer Experiences,” with Principle Researcher Bob Berry, who has guided Google, Amazon, Facebook, and many others to create new, optimal online experiences.Profit with a Plan Podcast: The User Experience, by Marcia Riner
Marcia talks with author, innovator, & entrepreneur, Bob Berry about user experience. So many businesses forget to test the usability of their site, products, or service and lose potential customers.Shark Bites Biz Podcast: Driving Innovation During a Pandemic, by David Strausser
David Strausser interviews Bob Berry about the evolving business environment, AI, BI, VR, augmented reality, work from home and tips on how he helped the large tech giants transition during this time period.The Spark to Fire Podcast: How To Master UX For Business, by Landon Rhodes
Bob Berry joins Landon to talk about what it was like working for HP in the growth years and how business owners can grow their businesses through leveraging their applications and their website.The Tao Podcast: The Impact of Experiences, by The Pandemic Press
Bob guided Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and many others to create new, optimal online experiences during Covid and led concurrent online transformation projects with major global brands.Speaking, Teaching, Presenting Example Videos
Present to Your Group: What Drives All Business Results Go to the Contact Form to learn about speaking.
Presentation to Ironhack Coding Academy
March, 2022
Maintaining a Business Mindset in UX

Presentation to User Experience Professionals International Conference
Phoenix, AZ – June, 2019
User Experience, Data Privacy, and GDPR

Secrets to Business Success: The HCI Workshop
Compilation of HCI and UX Topics

Presentation to USC classroom on The Single Human Event

Presenting ‘Design Thinking’ at AnswerLab Summit
Cancun, Mexico – January, 2019