Bob Berry – Speaker and Researcher on Mastering User Experience for Business and Worldly Success

Bob guides professionals to master innovative, lucrative approaches to human engagement and influence.

“Through my speaker series, webinars, in-depth professional development, and consulting, businesses master The Single Human Dynamic – ignored by most – that drives the global economy, creates every business outcome, and enables a new age of civilization. That single dynamic is the experience we show our users, and how their choices in that experience drive our success.” 
    • Bob’s almost 40-year career in computer science, user research, and marketing goes way back to writing machine-language code for mass spectrometers at the University of Nebraska.
    • He led the teams at HP in the early days of the Web that created the first-ever online experiences for e-commerce, social media, cloud computing, and e-learning – before those terms were even invented.
    • He founded an online youth development startup and invented an interactive e-learning experience that has reached over 35,000 teens in all 50 states.
    • Bob regularly conducts user research and consults with Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, FedEx, and many others.
    • He’s currently a principal at AnswerLab, the premiere user experience research agency on the planet.
    • He speaks all over the world on human-computer interaction, user experience, entrepreneurship, and professional development.

Sample Video: The HCI Workshop
Compilation of HCI and UX Topics