Roundup Article Series: Digital Marketing and The Experience-Experience

The Premise for The User Response Roundupusertest

You and all the professionals, consultants, artists, and entrepreneurs in your digital marketing audience are producers of virtual experiences. From those virtual productions, you want, need, and depend on user response. It creates all successful online results. Any intended outcome of digital marketing and any positive result you could hope for is always some type of user response. And all user response occurs in the midst of the user experience. Content, design, technology, offers, messaging, calls to action, and all other ‘marketing’ components – plus every product, service, and any Unique Selling Proposition – presented via digital media all intersect in the moment of the user interacting with your digital productions. All those efforts succeed or fail, they all fly or crash in flames, during those crucial, fleeting moments when real people in the real world encounter your virtual experiences. In digital marketing, you have many options for your strategies and your promotional mix. Consider all those marketing experts, internet gurus, breakthrough seminars, online courses, and over-the-top conferences you’ve paid for (or created). They are probably all on target … to some degree, some of the time, in some specific situations. But your challenge is – how do you know which ones will get your users, your audience, your visitors to respond? And a further challenge is figuring out the exact sequence and timing of all those options, programs, and content offers. Any combination might work great with some business models but not others; some might fly in one market and flame out in another. How do you know if your secret mixture of marketing brilliance will get real people to respond? If they’re not responding now, how do you find out why? There are only two ways to address these challenges: roll the dice and hope for the best, like you’re probably doing now – or go directly to your audience to uncover the truth of what makes them respond. The professional digital marketing community has either ignored this science, or simply hasn’t discovered the insight, knowledge, and power it brings to virtual endeavors. Or perhaps we simply haven’t figured out a fast, relevant, affordable, and effective user response science that specifically addresses the digital marketing experience. The User Response Roundup will address this gap in understanding and application. I know there’s a better way. I know this works. I’ve witnessed the brilliant application of this art and science with the biggest and the best. For the last 25 years, I’ve taught Apple, HP, Amazon, Microsoft, GE, FedEx, Cisco, PayPal, and many other global companies how to drive user response through superb user experience and take their digital marketing to another level. From those projects – researching, analyzing, and optimizing the premiere online systems on the planet – I’ve created a fast, dynamic, incisive, and actionable method of user inquiry that will reveal all the hidden dynamics in the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral makeup of the humans you’re trying to influence online. My research has shown that the most successful companies all have one dynamic in common: they have placed relentless dedication to customer and user experience at the center of their strategic priorities and operational success. The billions of user responses they generate, their success online, and their dominance in the global marketplace are irrefutable proof that they have their priorities straight. The Top Ten Reasons to unravel the user experience that drives your users’ responses:
  1. The keys to your online success are hidden and you must make them visible.
  2. Once visible, you must apply a rigorous process to acting on your discoveries.
  3. No other digital marketing method is so neglected and has so much potential.
  4. The top companies in the world are now putting user experience at the center.
  5. Your competitors are probably doing this already – ignore it and pay the price.
  6. Once mastered, you and your team can apply these methods over and over.
  7. You will find business-critical insights that are not available any other way.
  8. You will learn whether your entire Unique Selling Proposition matters – or not.
  9. This is a business fundamental. Avoid it at your own and your users’ peril.
  10. I offer a variety of FREE tools, methods, content, and guidance.

Why You and Why This Roundup?stairs

The purpose of this roundup is to show how human behavior within our digital experiences drives all Digital Marketing outcomes. This is the pathway upward to better performance of our online marketing investments. This is powerful enough and important enough to digital marketers everywhere that I need help from you and your professional community to get the word out. Roundups are an excellent way to capture and share the leading edge, the state of the art, and the best methods for any online endeavor. Plus, they provide maximum exposure and impact when they leverage the networks and audiences of leaders like you. And finally, they can produce significant results for contributors like you. User experience is the differentiator and the X-factor that drives user response in digital media. There is no realm of online knowledge so neglected that has so much potential to advance any digital marketing program or investment. I’m convinced this can transform digital marketing, and I’m starting with you – and a select collection of your peers.

For the roundup, please answer the following questions, in your own words, based on your own experience:

  1. What is the role and importance of user response in Digital Marketing?
  2. How should brilliant user experience drive user response in Digital Marketing?
  3. (Optional) How should brilliant user experience advance the Digital Marketing profession?
To participate, reply to the email I sent. Or use my contact info below. I’ll combine responses from you and a number of other influencers into a roundup article. Like most Roundups, the article drives 4 objectives:
  • Guide your audience to greater success – in this case, in digital marketing.
  • Advance the state of the art for a key online realm – digital marketing excellence through mastery of user response.
  • Advance our collective authority in digital marketing.
  • Grow our lists and audiences through aggressive distribution of the Roundup.

Q & A:

How many respondents am I including? My goal is 50, they’ll fill up fast. If we get more, I’ll do a second (or third) revision. When am I going to publish? Roughly early June, or sooner if I reach our goal of 50 respondents. How will we promote this roundup? I and all contributors will use our own preferred means of reaching our audiences: email marketing, social media, blog posts, SEO, direct contact, or whatever combination has worked best for us. How will the roundup help grow your audience? All contributors will get a link to their preferred landing page or offer. It’s up to you how you want to engage anyone who clicks to your site or page.   BobBerry-sofarBob Berry Founder, Human-Computer MasterMind Academy Mobile 719.661.8867 Toll Free 866.471.4285