Get started learning the inside secrets to online business success

The Most Complete Online Success Program: $995 value, now only $89

Order The Human-Computer Interactions e-Course, e-Workshop, and Virtual Toolkit

  • Get The System used by the pros to drive billions in online sales

    I’ve taught, consulted, and guided this research method worldwide
  • What you can’t see is hurting your online results right NOW

    Master human-computer interactions to make visible all the drivers of your success
  • Get inside the world of your users and what drives them

    Learn tips, methods, tools, and the art and science of influencing users
  • Your success is with real people, in the real world, in real time

    Virtually all online marketing programs avoid or ignore this truth
  • Get in-depth maps, learning, resources, methods, and science

    A full e-course with 11 proven approaches and interactive techniques

Additional UX Mastery Options:

eBook and Tutorial: The Art and Science of Online Experience – How Human-Computer Interactions Drive your Online Success, at only $9.00

  1. Apply the essentials of user experience, usability, and effective interactive design to capture more users.
  2. Build in-depth knowledge about and intimacy with your users, customers, and audience to know what makes them tick.
  3. Apply the latest discoveries on human behavior to the online human decisions that drive your success.
  4. Ensure the technical and functional excellence required to deliver superb systems and platforms to the world.
  5. Learn how to uncover and make all this visible through a rigorous process of inquiry with real users, real time.
  6. Master the disciplined methodology to put it into action, for long-term excellence and competitive advantage.

The Seven Stages of User Engagement, only $29.00

Includes a detailed, step-by-step mastermind guidebook on how to conduct a fast, rigorous inquiry process with your users, in your online systems. Includes all the tools below, to ensure that your websites, apps, software, social media, or any user-facing interface will help them:
  1. Find what you offer them.
  2. Notice what’s important to them and you.
  3. Understand how to engage and proceed.
  4. Care that what you offer is useful and meaningful.
  5. Attempt to complete the steps required.
  6. Succeed at meeting their needs – and yours.
  7. Reflect on the entire process and how to improve it

ORDER the $89 e-Course, e-Workshop, and Virtual Toolkit and get started! Here are some of my clients that use it:

What’s Included:

The Full Self-Guided e-Course, e-Workshop, and Virtual Toolkit: The Art and Science of Online Experience – How Human-Computer Interactions Drive your Online Success ($89): A masters-level online course that teaches leading-edge user experience practices and human-computer interaction methods. This is the system that I’ve used to grown my clients’ top-line revenue by millions of dollars. Includes: 
  1. In-depth Theory, Concepts, How-to, and Applications
  2. Video lessons for 11 HCI Principles and Practices
  3. Case Studies for all 11 Principles and Practices
  4. Personalized Assessments and Follow-Up Recommendations
  5. Insight Tool Library to take your online presence to the next level

 This $89 e-Course, e-Workshop, and Virtual Toolkit will show you how to:

  1. Apply the essentials of user experience, usability, and effective interactive design to capture more users.
  2. Build in-depth knowledge about and intimacy with your users, customers, and audience to know what makes them tick.
  3. Apply the latest discoveries on human behavior to the online human decisions that drive your success.
  4. Ensure the technical and functional excellence required to deliver superb systems and platforms to the world.
  5. Learn how to uncover and make all this visible through a rigorous process of inquiry with real users, real time.
  6. Master the disciplined methodology to put it into action, for long-term excellence and competitive advantage.

Intro to HCI and this e-Workshop and e-Toolkit (13 minutes):

How to take your online endeavors, your business, and yourself to the next level:

  1. Discover the Art and Science of Human-Computer Interactions.
  2. Learn seven basic principles and practices for online success.
  3. Get four more leading-edge approaches to mastering the digital realms.
  4. Find out how real people interact with you online, and how to make it rock.
  5. Do the right thing online for your users, your colleagues – and you.

In-depth: The Five Core Truths of Human-Computer Interactions (12 minutes):

Your success online and how well you engage real people is driven by five essential principles in today’s world:

  1. Much of our success now arrives online.
  2. Humans and their actions determine everything online.
  3. Humans and their online actions are invisible.
  4. Online failure is a common agony and the causes are invisible.
  5. The science of HCI will make it all visible. This e-Workshop will show you the best tools and methods to find new success in your endeavors.