Explore the future of human-machine interactions and how these will drive your success:
- The Users’ Dance: the new science of users’ emotional connections to YOUR online programs
- Functional Integrity: build in the necessary technical quality for the many devices in the world
- The Dialog Intensive: how to re-invent discussions with users and refine your view of their world
- How the Doer Does: uncover where, how, when, why you show up in the real world, real time
If your success is determined by your online results, and you’re not meeting your online goals, the art and science of Human-Computer Interactions will reveal what hidden human factors are preventing what you seek.
In the human realm of HCI, ‘Model The Doer’ is a new modeling and analysis approach that distills that narrative down to the specifics of when, where, how, and why these humans would ever interact with you. It’s how the buyer buys, how the learner learns, how the shopper shops, and countless more how the doer does what they do, with you. This will give you mastery over the most essential, clearest, most relevant understanding of what your target audience does with your online programs.
In the computer realm of HCI, ensuring ‘Functional Integrity’ of your systems: this simply says ‘it works’, it doesn’t break or fail or crash. This is actually an old realm, one of the oldest, but with a dramatic new importance – all because of the explosion of the numbers and types of devices, of rectangles of glass, in the world today, and coming in the future. By ensuring functional integrity you avoid the embarrassment of losing business, frustrating users, and paying for expenses remediation.
In the realm of interactions, the nature of ‘The Dance’ is a brand new realm and is evolving rapidly. Interfaces and what we do with them are becoming more advanced, more intuitive, more fun for users. We are now exhibiting emotional reactions to our little glass panels, and this is both an opportunity if done well and a liability if done poorly. This one is unique and uncovers the art and the essence of our relationships with our technology and our little panels of glass.
Finally, we’ll tackle a new Qualitative Method of Inquiry – an advanced approach to engage users face to face using an intuitive, dynamic, adaptive, semi-scripted method of dialog and inquiry. It includes variety of techniques such as guided interviews, self-moderated groups, progressive inquiry and intentionally following rabbit trails of users; you will establish a means of interacting with your audience in ways that will guide and inform a great deal of what you do; that interest and care for your customers will come through in what you put online and how you interact with your customers.
Getting help with your human-computer interactions:
In the online world, the huge frustration bordering on agony is this: these people, these users, aren’t’ doing what we want or expect or need them to do. We don’t know why, and we don’t know how to find out. And our success, or livelihood, and our reputations depend on this.
A vast portion of the outcomes you seek are now found online. Finding success in that interactive realm can be elusive and maddening. You can end the frustration by making visible and fixing all the ways real people interact with you online.
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