About HCI: The Six Irrefutable Truths of Online Success That You’re Ignoring
About HCI: The Six Irrefutable Truths of Online Success That You’re Ignoring
HCI researchThe world is now permanently and deeply connected, users make all the decisions in that world, and all online success is determined by those users' decisions. All those actions are all hidden from you - unless you systematically, intelligently attack that problem with proven scientific methods. HCI (human-computer interactions) is that critical science.

The Six Irrefutable Truths of Compelling User Experience and Online Success:

1. Much of our success is now online: The world is vastly interconnected, much of our online success is dependent on all that interconnection, and a vast portion of our interactions happen through human users interacting with our online programs and offers. How much of your business, how many of your goals, and what portion of your biggest unfulfilled opportunities are online? 2. Human users determine everything online: Humans and their human preferences, decisions, and behaviors and the mysteries of the human psyche decide everything that happens in this critical, vastly ubiquitous realm. Can you name one of your online programs, one online investment, one idea or platform or tool or system that, at the end of the day, is not ENTIRELY depending on human behavior and the science of HCI? 3. All online human behavior is invisible: It's all hidden - by its very nature. How much do you know about what is happening right now in the interactions between your users - those humans that decide your online success - and what you put online? How often have you attempted to make it visible, understand it, and fix it? Do you know how? 4. Most online endeavors ignore human dynamics and how to make the invisible visible: Most of our efforts to fix, improve, and master the online game ignore these essential truths: Human-Computer Interactions are the gating factor for all our goals, it’s all invisible, and our online methods ignore this. List your online goals right now - get more sales, or increase growth, or build your list, or whatever your specific goals are. Now, how many of those goals and your plans to pursue them include examining the human source and determinants of every one of them? 5. Most attempts at online success fall short of goals: We all experience, in many cases to a large extent, a mix of agony and anticipation, disappointment and desire about our online results.  We invest considerable time, effort, money, and our own personal credibility in these online programs, but for reasons we can’t explain, they don’t meet expectations, and they fall short and miss their goals – often by A LOT.  And the causes are hidden. How well are you meeting your goals? What are your opportunities to get to the next level, to reach more prospects, to grow your audience and markets? 6. Any attempts at online success or to improve online results must include the science of HCI: There is a rich, emerging art and science that will rightly humanize all your online endeavors and help you influence your users to notice, respond, engage, opt-in, and buy. How much do you know about this art form? How convinced are you that it's critical? How willing are you to go find out more? By studying the art and science of HCI, implementing its principles and practices, and committing to the long-term, you can master these methods to influence users according to their needs and your goals. What are you devoting your value time to learning right now? What about your colleagues, your vendors, your team? Do you ask if those who implement your online presence at least understand these truths, and better yet, can actually implement them? 

All outcomes in business  happen only through the experiences we create. 

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I’m Bob Berry — researcher, speaker, writer, and innovator on the art of compelling experience.

bob@itstheusers.com / LinkedIn

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