Get critical insights into your customer experience: Establish rapport, conduct effective dialog
Get critical insights into your customer experience: Establish rapport, conduct effective dialog
customer experienceCustomer experience insights and how to capture them will inform all the processes taught through the Human-Computer MasterMind Academy – Usability, Usefulness, Functionality, Seamlessness, and UX Analytics. All those disciplines include strong technical requirements, a clear process orientation, and demanding needs for rigor, objectivity, and repletion. And they all involve and depend on many types of real human beings and the total customer experience you offer them. I bring years of experience in working with all types of customer experience - with consumers, small businesses, nonprofits, and enterprise users; I've worked with youth and the elderly, with technical gurus and computer newbies; with left-brains in R&D and right-brains in marketing and sales; and I've facilitated thousands of user sessions with every conceivable user personality imaginable. I also bring the right personality type to the facilitation process: passion for interactive systems, a gregarious demeanor to get testers talking and sharing, intelligence and good instincts to – real-time – find that exact right question that gets to the heart of the matter, and courage to probe on the tough issues and push testers to challenge themselves. To enable and facilitate this human process of uncovering customer experience, I include the right equipment to the game. Recording and tracking tools, remote viewing and communication systems, and test session management resources keep the facilitator focused and free to pay attention to the test subjects, their businesses, and the natural flow of the test session. I'll show you how to create a detailed script, task set, talking points, and process checks, then use that as a context for developing an easy, natural, open flow with each tester. This is a proven technique for observing closely how real people engage your customer experience. I’ve found that by letting them talk about themselves, their operations, their customers, the value they provide, and by letting them share examples of their online experiences, I always manage to cover 90% of the script without actually following the script. Then, I go back, reflect and review, and hit the few remaining points. customer experienceThis interpersonal style and effectiveness works as well, and is just as important, with your prospects, customers, and users as it is with your team. Whether your communicating functional issues with the technical types in R&D or I.T., influencing executives in charge of strategy, staffing, and budgets, prying market and user insights from marketing, getting to the root of user problems with reps on the phone, or vigorously working the fine points of the script in the midst of a user test session we’re committed to the same rapport, teamwork, and passion. How To Do It: The MasterMind Academy will guide you through a unique process of "becoming" your prospect, customer, or user, and navigate, quantify, and qualify the entire business and experiential landscape you've mapped out for them. From there, you can learn to validate thoroughly and report in detail where, how, and why they fail, get lost or get confused, disinterested, distracted, mistreated, forgotten, dropped, and how your systems breaks or misfires in their native environment - and I can help you recommend specific solutions to any failures and re-test to prove the friction is gone. It may be broke or it may need optimizing -- or more likely, both. You'll learn to apply all the latest methods, experts, analysis tools, and research approaches to this process of learning and optimizing customer experience. No two assessments are ever the same. I get inside YOUR institutional mind to map your territory extensively, and this objective analysis is often highly revealing, before I ever talk to a prospect, customer, or user.

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