All the services that I've described here – Usability, Usefulness, Functionality, and Seamlessness – are essential to successful interactions with visitors, prospects, customers, and users. Optimizing each of those human-computer interactions is necessary but not sufficient – if you leave out any one of them, you sub-optimize or break the others. To marry right-brain, humanistic, qualitative, and behavioral approaches above with the left-brain, quantitative, and data-driven, I'll show you how to validate all findings with User Experience (UX) Analytics. This discipline includes web analytics, process metrics, server statistics, and proprietary and innovative deep-data methods. This process facilitates thorough characterization of individual errors, bottlenecks, failures, and mysteries, as well as blanket-coverage of collective behavior of users over large numbers of visits and transactions.
Here are the key benefits and outcomes for this data-driven discipline, that you'll learn to apply to your systems and all human-computer interactions of your users:
- Quantifies behavior of the entire population of visitors, prospects, users
- Finds the biggest opportunities to grow revenue and customer delight
- Prioritizes limited budget, staffing, and attention on biggest bang
- Usable, Useful, Functional, Seamless are necessary, but not sufficient
- Marries the right-brain, humanistic, behavioral with data and metrics
- Monitors, tracks, characterizes volumes of user sessions and paths
- Finds failures, bottlenecks, abandons – wherever user friction is found
- Integrates Quantitative with the Qualitative of Usable, Useful, Seamless
And, with all the above, you must involve direct interactive, observation, and dialog with those people you’re trying to serve, whether they are consumers, businesses, enterprises, nonprofits, or government. That human-centered, inquisitive, dynamic interaction is what leads you to the most valuable insights, and shows what real people struggle with.
But the in-depth, rigorous, user interaction required to obtain those insights demands that you devote considerable personal attention to those users and those user test sessions. Time, budget, and process can prevent you from tacking the volume of testing necessary to produce the statistical confidence to quantify, prioritize, and justify investment in remedial work.

I can show you how to uncover functional problems, user experience issues, data problems, and messaging errors that reduce throughout and volume, or prevent users from successfully completing key tasks, or cause the confusion that leads to abandons and premature exits.
UX Analytics complements the Usability, Usefulness, Functionality, and Seamlessness processes above: once UX Analytics discovers a failure, I can help you take that into the test lab with real users, or recruit testers to evaluate the problems in their native environment remotely. Similarly, for any Usability, Usefulness, Functional, or Seamlessness problems you find, I'll show you how to apply UX Analytics to quantify, characterize, and prioritize their frequency and importance.