Your products, services, and systems must provide a meaningful and relevant purpose in the life and business operations of your target customers, prospects, and users. And your content marketing must do the same.
Those people must care and be interested in who you are and what you’re trying to provide them. It only make sense to apply those same principles to all your content marketing efforts. If who you are and what you do are not useful, people will simply go away – or never show up at all.
The process of determining and verifying 'Useful' content marketing for your users includes:
- Builds creative understanding of users’ and customers’ jobs and goals
- Maps your knowledge of their preferred outcomes and needs
- Maps your systems and how they’re intended to meet the needs
- Maps how meeting those needs accomplish your business goals
- Then, with these maps, clearly defines “relevance” and usefulness
- Builds creative test scenarios to assess real-world real-user relevance
- Conducts live tests with your systems in native environments to confirm
- Reports on Usefulness and Relevance and recommend improvements
To understand how these real people function and accomplish their work, manage their operations, interact with their own customers, and produce value in their world, we place your systems and tools in front of them and interview them in-depth about how they do their work. What are their goals? Who are they trying to serve? What are their challenges? What does success look like for them? What is their level of knowledge and experience? How much time do they have to spend on the solutions and systems you’re offering? What content marketing subjects, titles, messages, and copy will they respond to in that entire context?

My MasterMind Academy will show you how to work constantly to build creative understanding of users’ and customers’ jobs and goals and how to speak directly to that in all your online endeavors, and especially in your content marketing. By mapping your assumptions and knowledge about their preferred outcomes and needs, you can develop a series of hypotheses that you can test in their native, local environment. You'll learn about how to create and apply flow charts, maps, value statements, and process diagrams of your systems and how they’re intended to meet the needs of your target, so you can characterize in detail how those schemas fit with the processes of real people in the real world.
The focus is meeting those needs and accomplishing both the preferred outcomes of your customers and nailing your business goals. If you can successfully achieve both those outcomes, and communicate that clearly in your products, services, and content marketing, you're on you way to capturing the minds of your audience. These must be consistent, complimentary, and clearly define “relevance” and usefulness. Through interview, dialog, exploring examples, in-depth show-and-tell by the target users, and the construction and “acting out” of creative test scenarios, we can establish and evaluate real-world real-user relevance.
Validating ease of use is critical to your targets’ success and therefore achieving your own business goals – but any system can be “usable” without being “useful” (and vice versa). And as with Usability, the outcome of the testing is to create specific implications, leading to recommendations for actionable improvements, and re-testing to confirm the changes have advanced the relevance for the people you need to serve.
As with all the methods and approaches you learn here, you'll discover how to employ the rigor and control of in-lab tests as well as the unpredictability and realism of native remote testing. Both are necessary to uncover all the issues on relevance and usefulness.